Semiautomatic filling machine Features: 1. 304/316L stainless steel construction 2. No-drip nozzles 3. Sanitary tri-clamp connections 4. Easily assembled and disassembled 5. All pneumatic operation 6. Easily portable 7. 1 year warranty Specifications: 1. Air Pressure: 70-100 psi 2. Air Volume: 4-8cfm 3. Filling Speed:0-30 bottles/min. 4. Filling Precision:98% 5. Filling Range:Up to 5000 ml Piston Fillers measure and dispense free flowing products - such as thin and/or dense liquids - onto a container. Each machine is equipped with one or more volumetric pistons. Each fill/release cycle consists of an intake stroke, where the product is withdrawn from the container or hopper and taken into the product cylinder. The down stroke commences as soon as the product cylinder has reached its predetermined fill level. The piston pushes the product out of the cylinder and into the container. The amount of product to dispense is set by a simple adjustment of the length of the piston stroke (the distance covered by the piston). The adjustment is performed by turning an small adjusting wheel located at table-top level. If the stroke is reduced the volume of dispensed product decreases. On the other hand, lengthening the piston stroke will result more product being dispensed. Once the set, the piston filler will dispense accurately and repeatedly. Two repeated cycles can be performed to fill volumes that are higher than the cylinder capacity.